Reliable Telecommunications for the Middle East & Africa

Reliable Telecom for the Middle East & Africa

Babtel is a technology company unlike any other

Our unique offering is not in deploying or operating technology (although we do those things well),
it’s a point-blank refusal to believe that any project is impossible.

Other companies and consultants talk about it.
We actually do it.

Amidst the most challenging geographic locations, adverse social situations, and even full scale conflicts – you’ll find Babtel quietly and efficiently connecting people to the world.

With a track record that is second to none, and cultural and technical competence on four continents, Babtel establishes and nurtures local operating businesses backed by Babtel’s deep expertise and business and technical resources.

We create value in local communities, supporting entrepreneurs who otherwise would have no way of starting a business, and tapping the tremendous local talent pool that is limited by circumstances.

Mission Solutions

Since 2004, we’ve been establishing resilient and secure communications for US Military troops and contractors globally.

We are trailblazing technologists with decades of experience and trusted supply chain channels. Our mission is to support our service members no matter the demands, the danger, or the difficulty.

Get connected. Stay connected.